How To Setup your Shisha Pipe
1. Preparing your pipe
Make sure your pipe is clean and dry before using it. Start off by filling the glass base with water so that approximately 1 inch of the metal tube is submerged below the water line. The area left above this is where the smoke will mix with air and cool further. Too much water makes it hard to suck the smoke through and leaves little space left for the smoke to mix with air resulting in much stronger smoke.
Attach the Pipe(Stem) onto the glass water bottle base, place the rubber hose grommet in the hole then attach the hose to the pipe as shown in the image below:
If you're new to using a Shisha pipe, start off by trying a small amount of Molasses first to practice getting it right. Place the Molasses into the clay bowl. We recommend about 8g of Molasses per smoke. Break up the Molasses rather than putting it in to ensure the molasses are not compacted otherwise the air will not pass through and will make the smoke strong and give a burnt flavour (see image below).
TIP: Using a cocktail stick, try to make a hole the size of a pencil in the middle so that you can see the central hole in the base. THis will allow for better airflow and better smoking experience.
TIP: Blow into the mouth piece to clear any molasses that may cover the central hole(s).
If you are using Self Igniting coal (e.g. Swift Lights) then light the charcoal and wait about 1 minute after it has stopped sparkling before placing it on the foil using the tongs provided. If you are using Natural Charcoal, light it somewhere safe (like your cooker) and wait until it is glowing before placing it on the foil. PLEASE NOTE: If you place the charcoal on the foil too early you’ll be smoking the charcoal fumes before you get any flavour.
TIP: Try placing the charcoal on the outside of the bowl and working it around the edges of the bowl. The centre of the bowl should be the last place your charcoal is placed.
If you have a WIndcover, use it to prevent the charcoal falling off in case someone knocks your pipe. A wind cover also preserves charcoal by keeping the heat from escaping. (See image below).
Finally, add some friends and enjoy!
Safety Tips